Gluten Free Blog: Nutrition

Fennel : plant rich in properties and benefits

The land offers special foods, complete and essential to man, today I present the vulgar foeniculum, commonly called fennel, is a particularly versatile and crisp vegetable with a pleasantly intense scent that is part of the family of Apiaceae .

The almonds allied with the line and the heart

Almonds are already present in many diets because of their ability to provide energy and valuable nutrients, while maintaining the balance between fats in the blood. A study reveals that they are much more important than what we already know.

A deepening in the world of sugars where they are born, how they act and how they affect recipes

Sugar often has a bad reputation but there are substantial differences between natural, added and artificial sugars. In short, there is sugar and sugar, and each type affects our health in a different way.

What is the guar, where it comes from and why it is used

Let’s find out what guar gum is, advantages and advantages of the most common thickener. 
It appears quite often among the ingredients of industrial foods, but not everyone knows what it is used for and what its origins are.